What are the Possible Ways to Learn Tajweed for Beginners?

What are the Possible Ways to Learn Tajweed for Beginners?

Are you struggling to start your Tajweed learning journey? Or do you also dream of reciting the Holy Quran with confidence and hidden melody? In both cases, you will be happy to hear that there are multiple ways to learn tajweed as a beginner. The journey comes with a lot of hard work and patience,…

An In-Depth Look at the Indo-Pak Quran

An In-Depth Look at the Indo-Pak Quran

When we talk about the Indo-Pak Quran, we usually mean the specific font or version of the Quran. It is used throughout the Indian subcontinent, especially in Pakistan and India. It is recognized for its distinct calligraphic design. This type of script is found in published Quranic copies around the area. The 13-alignment Qurans are written in the…

Learn Quran Memorization with Online Hifz Teacher

Learn Quran Memorization with Online Hifz Teacher

Memorizing the Holy Quran is a deep rewarding spiritual journey. Traditionally it involved attending a class with a qualified teacher known as Hafiz. However, due to new digitalization it is more convenient to learn from an Online Hifz Teacher.  Online learning is more useful as it will save your time to move to a particular…

A Perfect Guide to Quran Tajweed Rules 

A Perfect Guide to Quran Tajweed Rules 

The Holy Quran is not only the collection of words but it is a complete code of life. Tajweed means the art of reciting the Quran with proper pronunciation, articulation and tarteel (measured recitation). Applying the Quran Tajweed Rules ensures that the Holy Quran is recited as it was revealed to Prophet MUhammad (SAWW), preserving…

How to Learn Quran with Tajweed at Home: A Guide

How to Learn Quran with Tajweed at Home: A Guide

The Arabic word “tajweed” comes from the verb “jawwada,” which means “to beautify anything.” This implies that Prophet Muhammad used it as a means of adding a special touch to the Quranic recitation (PBUH). The advantages of tajweed explain each letter starting at its articulation point and giving it its rights [essential characteristics] and obligations…