how many surahs in juz 29

The Quran is divides into verses (ayat) and sections (surah). Let’s investigate how many surahs in juz 29 are there. Furthermore, the Quran is separated into thirty equal pieces known as ajiza (plural). There is some inequity in the division of juz’ along chapter lines. It is simpler to spread your reading over a month with these sections. You study around the same amount every day. This holds particular importance throughout Ramadan. It is advised to read the Qur’an through its whole at least once.

The historical significance of Surahs in Juz 29:

Surah Al-Mulk:

Juz 29 begins with Surat al-Mulk. This Surah’s main idea is that life is meant to be a chance to gain Allah’s affection through good deeds. The Surat highlights how often people overlook this basic truth. Surah Mulk serves as a reminder of the magnificence of the universe and the greatness of Allah SWT, with signs ranging from larger ones found in the universe to smaller ones found in our drinking water. It serves as an awakening to truth and the idea that Allah SWT is the only owner of everything that happens.

Surah Qalam:

The opening verse of Surah Qalam, an early Makkah surah, gives the surah its name. It is here that Allah SWT swears a declaration by the pen and by what the angel’s report of human deeds. This talks about how transient this world is and how much more eternal the afterlife is. It confirms that the Quraysh’s assessment of the Prophet’s message was unfounded. The narrative of Prophet Jonah concludes the Surah. It exhorts the Prophet and his adherents to carry out this work without giving up in despair. Islam’s global aim is to serve all people.

Surah Al-Haqqa:

The story of the flood during the time of Prophet Noah is recounted in the Surah, along with the fates of Thamud, ‘Ad, Pharaoh, and other overthrown towns. It discusses the retribution of unbelievers and the rewards of the obedient. In closing, it tells people that this message is the disclosure of the Lord of the Worlds. These are not the words of a poet or anything the Prophet himself invented.

Surah Al-Ma’arij:

The middle of the Makkan period saw its revelation. It aims at those who were doubtful and preferred an early penalty. It discusses the paths that believers take to ascend. The truth will come to the fore, but it will happen. The Surah discusses human difficulties in general but addresses individuals who think they have a different nature. It forewarns of the impending destruction of the unbelievers.

Surah Nuh:

The existence and accomplishments of this magnificent prophet of Allah, as well as his conflict with the unbelievers are described in this Makkan Surat. The narrative provides comfort to the early Muslims and the Prophet ﷺ. Their adversaries would be crushed and they would be rescued. The Prophet Nuh taught nonstop for nine and a half centuries. The Surat begins with a heartbreaking prayer, then moves to a discourse, and ends with a plea of despair.

Surah al-Jinn:

After the Prophet ﷺ arrived from Taif, a company of jinn visited him, as reported by Ibn ‘Abbas. The main idea is to refute the Quraysh’s obstinacy and skepticism. While the Quraysh shamefully rejected the Messenger ﷺ, the jinn had faith in him. The acceptance of Allah’s message is guaranteed by the Surah. It describes how some Jinn, an unseen creation, received the message and so makes an assumption that if the current population rejects it, then there will be other, yet unidentified, people who will embrace it.

Surah al-Muzzammil:

The emphasis of the Surah was on the recitation of the Qur’an during prayer. It instructs the Prophet and everyone else positioned to proclaim the word of Allah to draw strength from it. Invest your money in Allah’s way and study the Qur’an.

Surah al-Muddathir:

The Islamic da’wah is the topic of this Surah. It is instructed for the Prophet and his adherents to take a position to purge sins and crimes from society. It also foretells the impending destruction of those who reject what is true.

Surah al-Qiyamah:

The Surah discusses both the bodily resurrection that will occur at the end of the world and the mystical revival of the soul upon realizing its Lord.

Surah al-Insan: 

This Surah discusses the paths that lead to spiritual and personal development for people. Additionally emphasized are the characteristics of Believers as well as their rewards.

Surah al-Mursalat:

This Surah describes how those who ignore the truth meet their demise and are annihilated, while the preceding Surah describes how Believers meet moral and spiritual purity.


In conclusion, how many surahs in Juz 29 provide important light on the difficulties the Prophet Muhammad and his adherents encountered in the beginning. These Surahs serve as a potent reminder of the Quran’s grandeur and eternal message. They emphasize the fundamentals of faith, the existence of the Hereafter, and the repercussions of disbelieving. These chapters provide stern warnings of Allah’s wrath toward people who abandon faith on the Day of Judgment.

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