Quran Tajweed Rules

The Holy Quran is not only the collection of words but it is a complete code of life. Tajweed means the art of reciting the Quran with proper pronunciation, articulation and tarteel (measured recitation). Applying the Quran Tajweed Rules ensures that the Holy Quran is recited as it was revealed to Prophet MUhammad (SAWW), preserving its message.

This article will guide you about the necessary Quran Tajweed Rules to ensure that you learn about the journey of beautiful and accurate Quranic recitation. 

Foundation” Makharij and Sifat 

The two key concepts are necessary to understand to establish a solid foundation in the correct pronunciation of Arabic letters.


The point in the mouth from where every letter originates. By knowing the Makhraj ensures distinct and clear pronunciation. 

For Example, the letter ‘ق’ (Qaf) originates from the back of the tongue near the uvula. The letter ‘ب’ (Ba) comes from both lips. Consider the verse  “اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ” Here identifying the correct Makhraj of letters like the emphatic (Qaf) and (Ba) is essential for accurate recitation.


The characteristics associated with each letter, such as unvoiced or voiced, strong or weak and whether it vibrates the vocal cords. Understanding the Sifat allows for proper emphasis and delivery. For Example, ‘ل’ (Lam) is a voiced, non- emphatic consonant while ‘ح’ (Ha) is a voiceless, emphatic consonant.

For Instance in the word “رَّحْمَٰنُ “ (Ar-Rehman) The ‘ح’ carries a deep voiceless quality, contrasting with the voiced resonance of the ‘ر’ (Ra).

Rules of Tajweed

Tajweed encompasses set of rules, some of the most fundamental rules are following,

Madd ( Prolongation)

Certain vowels are elongated for a specific duration to create a melodious recitation and emphasize specific words. There are types of madd each with specific elongation length.

For Example, the verse “الرَّحْمَنُ الرَّحِيمُ ” ( Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim) contains the Madd Ash-Shadda (Madd due to the doubled Ra), which is lengthened for two vowel beats.

One can exaggerate the Madd to four or six beats if the Madd is before the last letter. 

For Example, the word “ جَنَّةٌ “ (Janna-tun) two beats is the minimum required but one can do the elongation to four t six beats.

Ghunnah (Nasalization) 

This refers to the sound produced by the nose for some letters, particularly those ending in “n” or “m”. The application of Ghunnah adds depth and beauty in the recitation. 

For Example, the word ” جَنَّةٍ” (Jannah meaning paradise) where the final “n” carries the Ghunnah sound.

Idgham (Assimilation)

It involves merging the letters to produce a smoother sound. It occurs when a particular “Noon” or “Meem” precedes specific letters. 

For Example, the word “ صَنَمٌ” (Sanam meaning idol) the “N” assimilates slightly with following “S” due to Idgham.

Ikhfaa (Concealment) 

A weak “Noon” or “Meem” is slightly assimilated with the following letter but to a lesser extent than Idgham. Subtle nasalization effect is created. 

For Example, the word “مَلَكَ” meaning angel where the “M” has slight Ikhfaa with the following “K.” 

Qalqalah (Echoing)

It applies certain emphatic letters, which are pronounced with slight vibration at the end especially when stopping at them. 

For Example, the emphatic letter “ق” (Qaf) has Qalqalah sound, evident in the word “وَقَدَرْنَا” (Waqadarna – meaning We have decreed).

Waqf (Stopping)

It is essential to know the appropriate place to pause. Waqf rules show how to modify the ending of a word depending upon type of pause and whether recitation continues. 

For Example, reaching a full stop وقف تام (Waqf Tamm) like the end of a verse, might involve prolonging the final vowel slightly.

Noon & Meem Mushaddad

This simple rule applies to two letters. If there is a shaddah at noon and meem then pronounce two beats ghunnah.

For Example, the word “ جَهَنَّمَ ” (Jahannama) 

The word “ إِنَّ”.

Enhance your Recitation

Tajweed offers further aspects to refine your recitation such as,

Harf al- Wasi (Letter of Connection)

The small Alif “ٱ” at the beginning of certain words connects to the preceding word as if they were one unit. 

For Example, in the phrase عَلَيْهِ الرَّحْمَةُ (Alayhi ArRahmahmeaning mercy upon him). The Alif at the beginning of “الرَّحْمَةُ” connects with preceding “ هاء” (Ha). 


Learning the basic Quran Tajweed Rules enhances the beauty of the journey of Learning Quran. It will bring you closer to the true meaning of the Quran with accurate recitation. It will preserve the true message of Allah making it a more pleasant experience for you and others.

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