There are chapters in the Holy Book of the Quran that explain which juz has sajdah in Quran and how to perform the Sajdah. It is also known as Islamic prostration. The Quran refers to bending before Allah as “Sajdah-e-Tilawat”. It is a gesture of modesty and surrender. The many Sajdahs in the Qur’an and the places where they can be located are described below. The Quran contains fifteen references to sajdahs. If you read the Holy Quran in Sajdah, you ought to bow. The act of bending down during the citation of specific passages is referred to as “the kneeling of reciting.”

How Is Sajdah Identified in the Quran?

The soujoud that a Muslim kneels when reading a verse from the Qur’an, whether during or after prayer, is known as sajdah in the Qur’an. This is because it is a specific sajdah for reading the Qur’an. The story of Ibn Umar, who may Allah, be pleased with them, who said: (The Prophet, may Allah prayers and peace be upon him), is the foundation for the legitimacy of the sajdah in the Quran. He used to read us a surah that had a sajdah; as a result, he would kneel and we all prostrate together. It was until one of us could no longer locate our foreheads.

Which juz has sajdah in the Quran?

They are the following:

Surah Al-A’raf, Paragraph 9, Chapter 7, Ayah 206

“People close to their Lord praise Him without feeling guilty about it; they adore Him and submit to Him.”

Surah Ar-Ra’d, Paragraph 13, Chapter 13, Ayah 15

“Whatever their intentions, every living creature in the universe submits to Allah. This also applies to their shadows, who carry out the same daily routine in the morning and evening.”

Surah An-Nahl, Paragraph 14, Chapter 16, Ayah 50

“And to Allah kneels whatever is in the sky and whatever is on the earth of beings, and the angels [as well], and they are not haughty.”

Surah Al-Isra, Paragraph 15, Chapter 17, Ayah 109

“They collapse onto their faces in tears, and the Quran elevates them to a state of submissive humility.”

Surah Maryam, Paragraph 16, Chapter 19, Ayah 58

“One of them has a darker expression and a profound sense of loss when he finds out that a girl child has been born.”

Surah Al-Hajj, Paragraph 17, Chapter 22, Ayah 18

“Do you not see that Allah is worshipped by the sun, moon, stars, mountains, plants, animals, and multitudes of people? But, as Allah’s choice is final, many will have to endure retribution, and no one will ever raise to a position of importance those whom Allah will disgrace.”

Surah Al-Hajj, Paragraph 17, Chapter 22, Ayah 77

“Bow down, praises your Lord, and do acts of kindness so that you may prosper, O you who have believed.”

Surah Al-Furqan, Paragraph 19, Chapter 25, Ayah 60

“And when it is said to them, ‘Kneel to the Most Gracious,’ they reply, ‘And who is the Most Compassionate? Should we submit to your orders and bow down? And it makes them more averse.”

Surah An-Naml, Paragraph 19, Chapter 27, Ayah 26

“In so that they do not bow down to Allah, who manifests that which is concealed within the earth and the heavens and is aware of both your declarations and your concealments.”

Surah As-Sajdah, Para. 21 Chapter 32, Ayah 15

“Only those are sincere believers in Our Signs; they never act arrogant or egotistical, but instead fall to their knees in devotion and praise of their Lord when told about them.”

Surah Sad, Paragraph 23, Chapter 38, Ayah 24

“He has wronged you by seeking your ewe [in addition] to his ewes,” David remarked. Indeed, a lot of friends mistreat each other, except for a small number of people who believe in and carry out virtuous activities. Once David saw that we had put him to the test, he bowed down, turned to Allah in remorse, and requested his Lord for forgiveness.”

Surah Fussilat, Paragraph 24, Chapter 41, Ayah 38

“But if they are haughty, [remember that] those who are close to your Lord glorify Him both during the day and at night, and they never grow weary.”

Surah An-Najm, Para. 27, Chapter 53, Ayah 62

“So bow to Allah and praise [Him].”

Surah Inshiqaq, Paragraph 30, Chapter 84, Ayah 21

“And when the Quran is being read to them, they do not bow [to Allah]?”

Surah Al-Alaq, Paragraph 30 (Chapter 96), Ayah 19

“Not at all! Refuse to follow him. But, bow down and get closer to Allah.”


In conclusion, Which Juz has Sajdah in Quran refers to kneeling after hearing one of the lines of sajdah. This is a verified Sunnah in worship and other contexts, thus failing to perform it is not immoral. For the Quranic sajdah to be legitimate, a person must meet the purity requirements. It includes approaching the Qur’an, protecting one’s private areas, and having the Qur’anic sajdah fall across two takbeers. There is another viewpoint that is not necessary to be a person, and everyone has to obey his imam. The sajdah in the Qur’an is not genuine until these requirements are followed.

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